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2013年06月09日 08:02
6. my whose, Tim’s, your coat, here you are
A: _____ coat is this? Is it ____?
B: No. it’s not my coat. _____ coat is black. 
A: Is this ____?
B: Perhaps it is. Tim’s coat is while. 
A: Is this your coat?
B: Yes, it is. 
A: ____. Catch!
B: Thank you.
7. color, nice, here it is, see 
A: What ____ is your new car?
B: It’s red. Come and ___ it. 
A: Thank you
B: Look! _________! 
A: That’s a ___ car. 
B: Thank you.
8. English, cases, aren’t, tourists, we
A: Are you American?
B: No, we’re English. 
A: Are your friends _____, too?
B: No, they _________. They’re French..
A: Are these your _____?
B: No. Our cases are brown. 
A: Are you tourists?
B: Yes, _____ are.
A: Are your friends ____, too? 
B: Yes, they are.
9. meet, jobs, hard-working, do, operators.
A: Come and ____ our employees. This is Jim and this is Carrie. They’re very ____.
B: What are their ____?
A: They’re keyboard _____.
B: How do you ____?
10. all right, matter, thanks, tired, sit down, thirsty 
A: What’s the ____, Maggie?
B: I’m ____ and ____.
A: ____ here. Are you all right now?
B: No, I’m not. 
A: Look! There is an ice ream man. Here you are!
B: __________. This ice cream is nice. 
A: Are you ____ now?
B: Yes, I am. Thank you!
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